2nd Active Rehabilitation Training Camp in Senaki


Second active rehabilitation training camp was conducted at the Hotel “EA” near Senaki on September 6-10, 2011. 20 Georgian persons with disabilities took part in the active rehabilitation camp which aimed at training them in essential independent living skills, practicing them in using new RoughRider wheelchairs, supporting the establishment of social ties between them and their integration in the society.

During the 5 days that the camp lasted, the participants became familiar with a variety of topics such as: self-care, independent living practices, wheelchair mobility, sexuality, fertility, etc. Major focus came on sports activities during which participants competed with each other in basketball, archery, indoor rugby and asenaki-2.jpgother paraolympic kinds of sports. There were outings in the centers Batumi and Senaki during which all the participants divided into small groups had different tasks to fulfill. The winners were awarded symbolic prizes.

The second Active Rehabilitation and Training Camp in Senaki was organized in frames of USAID-funded project “Georgian Wheelchair Production Network” which is being implemented by Coalition for Independent Living in partnership with US-based organizations World Institute on Disability (WID) and WhirlWind Wheelchair International (WWI).

After completing the training course, the camp participants were unanimously content with the event and underlined the importance of such camps to persons in wheelchairs.

The training camp in Senaki was facilitated by a Polish expert Tomasz Tasiemsky and Georgian trainers Rati Ionatamishvili and Joni Gergedava.

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