Right to Limited Choice


Persons with disabilities (PWDs) are also preparing to vote in the elections 2012. According to the Central Election Commission (CEC), the elections will be held in more accessible and equal opportunity environment. Though despite of many useful changes, specifically conducted studies show that the majority of PWDs tend to avoid going to election districts and prefer to vote via mobile boxes. What is the reason for that and what the PWDs and the members of the election districts should know in order to ensure the election to be held in accessible and equal opportunity environment? 

The Coalition for Independent Living unites up to 25 NGOs and assists the maximum involvement of PWDs in the political, economical, social and cultural live. According to Giorgi Dzneladze, the Chairman, the Coalition with the support of the International Fund for Election Systems (IFES) and the Elections Administration of Georgia, has defined the election needs for PWDs before upcoming elections:

“On the election day PWDs face the same problems as every day: inaccessible environment, unacceptable society… Many PWDs feel ashamed to go out, because people look at them with pity and say “Poor!” There are many other problems regarding inaccessibility of public transportation and election districts. From 3650 districts throughout the country only 108 of them are accessible.” 

There are up to 138 000 PWDs living in Georgia. At this stage the Coalition has studied the needs of 8500 PWDs.  According to Sophie Sichinava, the Head of Coordination and Management Department of the CEC, approximately 4000 PWDs have requested to bring mobile ballot boxes to their home places.

Speak directly to a PWD instead of his/her accompanying person and while speaking with a PWD for more than a minute, try to keep yourself in an equal position with him/her, sit down or kneel… 

Giorgi Dzneladze:

“This is related to various problems and first of all to the inaccessible environment.  PWDs have not somebody to accompany them and help them to go to an election district. Though for those who have expressed the desire to vote at election districts, there have been constructed 39 permanent ramps in Tbilisi and specific voting booths manufactured. We care for creating equal election environment for your citizens.”

Though, for creating equal election environment it is not enough to equip districts only. The members of the CEC and the Coalition have arranged specific educational seminars for the chairs of district commissions.

Giorgi Dzneladze:

“Speak directly to a PWD instead of his/her accompanying person and while speaking with a PWD for more than a minute, try to keep yourself in an equal position with him/her, sit down or kneel. Look at him/her and receive definitions from him/her directly. Do not touch the wheelchair and do not try to help the PWD until you are not told to do. First ask him/her whether he/she needs your help or not and only after do it the way the beneficiary asks you to.” 

During the seminar, taking place at the office of Chughureti Division Election Commission, there were also specified the rules of behavior for the members of district commission on how to serve PWDs. There was shown the ad made specifically for the elections, which is being broadcasted via television and internet:

“On the election day, mobile groups in Tbilisi, Rustavi, Gori and Akhaltsikhe will help wheelchair users in moving to the election districts. As to the deaf voters, special groups of sign language translators will work on the whole territory of the country and offer assistance to beneficiaries through Skype in order to ensure their full participation in the election process. If you wish to use the service of mobile groups, you should leave a message at the CEC hotline 2510051 or call the Coalition for Independent Living at 2356609 before September 25, 2012.” 

According to the CEC, it was impossible to bring in time the expensive equipment purchased in the USA especially for blind voters. The equipment provides Braille and shape printing that with using special frames provides the blind people to vote independently. Though, before equipping the election administration with such hardware, the Election Code enables the blind people to vote with the assistance of the accompanying people or other voters. The information received during the seminar will simplify the work of division commissions, including the division commission N14, the chair of which is Tamila Meskhoradze:

“The seminar was very important. We thought we had enough knowledge, but it was untrue. It is important to be a professional in this field in order to provide the valuable assistance to the beneficiaries and avoid making harm to them.” 

There is no PWD in the Parliament of Georgia, the reason of which is the inactiveness of the society… In our country this issue is not regarded with honor…

The chairs of division commissions were also explained that if the voter has not upper limbs, he/she is free from marking procedure and the ballot is placed in an envelope and in the ballot box by his/her accompanying person, who should not be the member of the election commission, a candidate, a monitor representative of the party involved in the elections. Rati Ionatamishvili, PR Manager of the Coalition appreciates the efforts of the CEC but also notes that the care for creating an equal opportunity environment for PWDs should not be limited only with the pre-election period. It is important that the level of accessibility of the infrastructure be improved that will ensure more activeness of PWDs and their social integration. According to Rati Ionatamishvili the other problem is that PWDs do not use their right to vote and political parties also do nothing to consider the needs of PWDs within their programmes.

“There is no PWD in the Parliament of Georgia, the reason of which is the inactiveness of the society… In our country this issue is not regarded with honor… Consequently, the reality is as follows: PWDs are not on the voters’ lists and this issue is not adequately reflected into election programmes”, said Mr. Ionatamishvili to the Radio Liberty. 

The Coalition for Independent Living calls for PWDs to vote at election districts, rather than to use mobile boxes for voting. Thus, they will show that they are active members of the society and take an important part in the political life of the country.



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